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Sunday, August 31, 2008



About Risk Your Life

General information
Risk Your Life, RYL, is based primarily on a war between Humans and Ak'Kans, a mysterious species of evolved humanoids that humans meet when expanding their territory to a new island. This encompasses both PvP wars between both sides, as well as simple PvE. Another major objective in the game is the takeover of every one of seven towers in the game, granting the leader of the guild the rank of Emperor.

Classes and Leveling
The two races, Humans and Akkans, each have different class systems. However, once a player reaches level 35 and above, his/her strength and weakness is comparable to the opposing race.

Human Classes
The four basic Human classes are the Rogue, Mage, Fighter, and Acolyte. Each of these classes has two sub-classes associated with it accessible from Level 10 onwards. Choice of gender in the case of human characters has no bearing on the classes and sub-classes available. Rogue classes aim to attack their Opponents using stealth skills and one-hit kills. Mage classes use a variety of spells to damage, immobilize, and weaken their foes, as well as making their similars strength. Fighter classes wield mighty swords, axes, and hammers with which to pound their enemies into the ground. Acolytes generally stay out of battle while healing and buffing (adding bonuses to stats) thus they are very bad in hand to hand combat and should not be played as a player vs. player character in most situations. They are generally dependent on having a party (depending on the build) and some of the game may mean a certain amount off soloing for some characters if they cannot find a party, this makes training an Acolyte hard if players fails find players willing to party them as they have a very low attack and bad solo fighters, thus, they are dependent on parties.

Akkan Classes
The two basic Akkan classes are the Combatant and Officiator. Unlike Humans, Akkan classes are gender specific: male Akkans can only be Combatans, while female Akkans are only allowed to be Officiators. The Combatant class is much like the Human Fighter class as the classes specialize in melee combat and skills. It is also a basic class for an archer-like class that uses gun-type weapons for ranged fire. However their range is significantely lesser than that of archers but they inflicts more overall damage and can fire while moving, unlike human archers. Branches of the Officiator-class includes a mage-like class, an acolyte-like class, and a rogue-like class. They are similar to the human counterparts but uses different skills and items.

Progressing of character-building
Every player starts as one of two to four basic classes (depending on the race they chose). Upon reaching level ten, they can either choose to return to town and visit their class trainer or choose via a pop-up window the preferred specializing class after attaining level 10.

The player can now choose from 2 specialist classes from each basic class if they are of the Human race or 3 if they are of the Akkan race. Each classes have different skills which gives of variety to the game while the two races have unique skills, items, looks, and even separate islands, whoc are shared by both races. When a player first creates a character on each server, they are required choose a race which other characters created will be of that race.

RYL uses a different skill-learning system which is commonly seen in other popularly played MMORPG games in which players are given skill points for them to spend on skill trees designed for the particular class. In RYL, instead of skill points, players are given skill slots and players are required to buy books from their class trainers with no fixed skill trees paths. While skill-leveling system in common MMORPGs have the skills up-leveled when skill points are repeatedly spent on them, RYL requires players to buy similar book as with previous sub-level for additional 5 times before attaining the next level of the skill. For example, a player upgrading the skill of Dagger Mastery starting at Level 1 will have the sub-level at 1 at the beginning. Mastering of Dagger Mastery Level 2 will require the player to buy Dagger Master Level 1 book 5 more times before attaining Dagger Mastery Level 2-0, with sub-level 0 as Level 1-6. Thus in order to attain level 3, the player will have to buy 6 Dagger Mastery Level 2 books, with each book using one skill slot.

As mentioned above, the game is centered around PvP, real-time combat, and intense fighting when characters joins guilds (one guild per character). Players who joined guilds will automatically have PvP enabled in certain parts of the world unless they have formed ally relationship with other guilds.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Super Bluetooth hacks




Good for all Sony Ericsson phone

Not really working on other phones

Working fine while hacking on other phone (sometimes)

Sometimes it won't do anything =/


Once the Pair setting is up, you wont have any more problems J

Well, that is pretty much about my review for this software ;)

Click HERE to download.

And please leave me some comment here if you want to know more about this software.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Borneo Music Instrument

Sarawak Sapeh
[ Borneo Lute ]


The sape is one of the string instruments from the lute family, which has a short neck.It is made from soft wood, usually the meranti's. The sape has quite an elongated body which is hollowed out and functions as a resonator. The shape of the body looks like a sampan and is often called 'the boat lute' in the west.


The sape is a traditional lute of many of the Orang Ulu or "upriver people", who live in the longhouses that line the rivers of Central Borneo. Sapes are carved from a single bole of wood; many modern instruments reach over a metre in length. It is famous among the Kayan and Kenyah tribes of East Malaysia. It is used in entertainment and to accompany dances such as 'Datun Julud and 'Ngajat' (one of the warrior dances associated with headhunting according to legend). Originally , sape strings were made from the Sago tree but now these have been replaced by nylon strings.


One of the systems that are usually used are as follows:

String 1: Tune like the middle C of the piano
String 2:Tune like C one octave lower than middle C
String 3: Tune to A, a minor third below middle C
String 4: Tune to F, a perfect fourth above middle C


All the strings are plucked using the thumb and only one of the strings is used to play the melody. The rest of the strings function as drone strings, playing only open strings. The strings are fixed across the body, supported by a bridge which is movable, for tuning purposes.


The sape repertoire comprises songs like: Sambe Main Daton, Jempen Letoh, Kabun, Kelewah, Eng-tang Takoh and Nau-hu. The Kelewah is usually performed for the purpose of entertainment of the residents of the longhouse. The sape is usually played in a duet, playing in two registers, low and high. Sape music is best known through the works of the late, great Tusau Padan. The tradition of Sape at present remains in the good hands of Uchau Bilong and Mathew Ngau Jau.


Initially the sape was a fairly limited instrument with two strings, three strings and four strings. Its use was restricted to a form of ritualistic music to induce trance. It gradually became a social instrument, used as accompaniment for dances and as a form of entertainment. Today, three, four or five-string instruments are used, with a range of more than three octaves.


Musically, the sape is a simple instrument. One string carries the melody, the accompanying strings are struck rhythmically to produce a drone. In practice, the music is quite complex, with many ornamentations and thematic variations. There are two common modes, one for the men's longhouse dance and the other for the woman's longhouse dance. There also is a third rarely used mode. Sape music is usually inspired by dreams; there are over 35 traditional pieces with many variations. The overall repertoire is slowly increasing.

SOURCE: Angelfire

Nyenggai Aki



Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happy 18th Birthday Macklin

Happy b'day pok, srry ku nda ngau kta pg tanjung tadi. Bc pngan ku ba rumah ku.


Thursday, August 21, 2008


Heavy metal heroes Lamb Of God are proud to announce the release of an all-new, 2-disc DVD on July 1, 2008. 'Walk With Me In Hell' is a documentary chronicling every detail in the lives of the biggest band in metal as they completed recording and toured around the world nearly three times over in support of the biggest selling metal album of 2007, the Grammy-nominated, Top 10 charting, Sacrament.

Fans can check out an Exclusive trailer for 'Walk With Me In Hell' at www.myspace.com/metal as well as the band's official MySpace page.

The 'Walk With Me In Hell' two DVD set features over five hours of incredible, all-access footage. Disc 1 contains the highly anticipated feature documentary 'Walk With Me In Hell' and multiple live performance extras from across the globe on the Sacrament World Tour. Disc 2 includes the additional full-length feature "Making of Sacrament" plus Lamb Of God's entire, uncut, brutal performance at the Download Festival 2007, where they performed in front of over 72,000 fans. Extras include deleted scenes, live performance videos for various tour stops, the official music video for "Redneck," and a "Making of Redneck" documentary.

"We're on stage for 90 minutes a day," says drummer Chris Adler. "People want to know what's going on for the other 22 and 1/2 hours. It's not always limousines and champagne. Killadelphia surprised a lot of people and proved that we refuse to censor or hold anything back. True to the high standard that we hold ourselves to, 'Walk With Me In Hell' is unlike any music DVD I've ever seen. This is an entire new level of documentary taking you on an intense, worldwide journey with us."

'Walk With Me In Hell' features all-access footage from the bus to the stage and everything in between, and like the band's unrelenting music, never lets up.

"Walk With Me In Hell is a very proud moment for us as a band. It's hard to comprehend the pain and glory when you're in the middle of it, but looking back over the past two years we can begin to understand how huge this record and touring cycle was," says Adler. "It shows the blood shed and what it takes to not only hold our own, but succeed in the face of every obstacle in front of us. We have never offered less than our best, our fans expect and deserve it, and this DVD will serve as a landmark for all that follow."

'Walk With Me In Hell' was directed by Doug Spangenberg, who has also directed the platinum awarded Killadelphia DVD, plus Lamb Of God's first DVD, Terror and Hubris.

I know it might be a little bit too late to announce this, but who give a shit, its worth it!

SOURCE = ultimate-guitar

Monday, August 18, 2008

Nyenggai Aki

ukuk, ujang, tang,yan the "M"Panyat.


Jampi Ak Sepungga




Sunday, August 3, 2008


Behold the new ryl2 private server RYL2 NIGHTWISH.

New feature
  1. Lots of new items/gears due to higher character level.
  2. Softcap on armor will be 25%higher!
  3. Name will be visible on statue war.
  4. Player can now level up till 125.
  5. No more netbug and callbug!
  7. Statue war will be on ISLE OF PAIN instead of boring DARK CAERNAVON.
  8. Increased Magic damage Skills.



Saturday, August 2, 2008

satisfied with streamyx?

image tells everything

tekan tuk